
I've a blog, and I used to show only a part from the blog posts (10 Blog posts) in the home, featured image, with the blog post title & around 100 word from the blog post it self . then (Continue reading)

in few days I decide to put a small facebook & twitter sharing links under thess blog post, not in the blog post it self but in home page but for the blog posts,

Sorry for my bad english, the attached screenshot will explain what I want to say.!

But the main problem is the sharing buttons only shared the home page link and not the blog post links! I dont want to share the main blog link, I need each one of these links to share the blog post that related to it.

How I can fix that?


For the sharing buttons, I used this wordpress plugin: http://www.simplesharebuttons.com/wordpress

From the plugin settings you can choose where the sharing appears

I choose it all ( home page, posts, pages, archive) but Its not working for the home page.

so what I did? I opened this file from the theme files:


and I added this line in the file

<?php echo do_shortcode("[ssba]"); ?>

ssba < is the shortcode for the plugin!

But its only share the home page link


1 Answers


You need to use the permanlink of the post http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_permalink and use this URL on your share buttons