
I'm trying to use submitted Google Form data in one spreadsheet to locate and retrieve data from another spreadsheet (tab in same document). The Google Spreadsheet file is here.

The =QUERY statement I'm trying to use is below

=QUERY(sheet2!A1:K; "Select B, C where A =" & B1  ; 0)

It works if I remove the 'cell reference' from where A =" & B1 ; 0) and I replace it with a 'static value' like where A contains '123456' ")

Any suggestions on 'how' to get the =QUERY to work using a 'cell referenced' value. The heading for the column being referenced is TEXT but the value of all rows below the heading is a NUMBER

Thank you in advance,


B1 is not a number, it is "Student ID #". Try to swap B1 for B2eddyparkinson

1 Answers


I know this is old but I had the same issue and thought my solution might help others. Adding single brackets round the cell reference worked for me.

=Query(sheet2!A1:K, "select B, C where A ='"&B1&"'")