If I compile my code in gcc 4.6, it works. However if I compile on gcc 4.7 (or newer), I get segmentation fault.
By the way, my code should analyze a html file and say if it's correct, all done using a stack.
I'm compiling with gcc -Wall *.c -o EXE Running with ./EXE site.html
gdb says:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00007ffff7abeb9a in getc () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
my main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "stack.h"
int readFile(char * nome, int m, int n, char out[m][n])
char temp1[1];
char temp2[50];
int i= 0;
char in;
FILE * site = fopen(nome, "r");
if(site == NULL) printf("\nArquivo não abriu");
//in = (char)fgetc (site);
//printf("%c", in);
in = (char)fgetc (site);
//printf("%c", in);
//if(in == EOF) break;
if(in == '<')
strcpy(temp2, "");
in = (char)fgetc (site);
if(in == EOF || in == '>' || in == ' ') break;
sprintf(temp1, "%c", in);
printf("%c", in);
strcat(temp2, temp1);
strcmp(temp2, "!DOCTYPE") == 0
||strcmp(temp2, "p") == 0
|| strcmp(temp2, "br") == 0
|| strcmp(temp2, "input") == 0
|| strcmp(temp2, "img") == 0
|| strcmp(temp2, "frame") == 0
|| strcmp(temp2, "li") == 0
strcpy(out[i], temp2);
printf("\nEncontrou %s", temp2);
while(in != EOF);
fclose (site);
return i;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if (argc != 2)
printf("\nColoque algum arquivo HTML na entrada do programa\n\n");
stack_p verificador = NULL;
char out[1000][1000];
char aux[50];
int i = 0;
int quant;
if(create(&verificador, 50 * sizeof(char)) == SUCESS)
quant = readFile(argv[1], 1000, 1000, out);
else return -1;
for(i = 0; i< quant; i++)
if(out[i][0] != '/')
push(verificador,(void *) &out[i]);
printf("\n Empilhou %s", out[i]);
else if( out[i][0] == '/' )
searchTop(verificador,(void *) &aux);
//printf("\n no topo esta %s", aux);
if( strcmp(aux, &out[i][1]) == 0 )
printf("\n desempilhou %s", aux);
printf("\n ERRO: ");
printf("Esperava /%s, mas recebeu %s \n", aux, out[i] );
return -1;
printf("\nO arquivo está correto!!\n\n");
return 0;
my stack.h
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define FREE 0
#define BUSY 1
#define FAILED 0
#define SUCESS 1
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define EMPTY -1
#define YES 1
#define NO 0
typedef struct stack *stack_p, **stack_pp;
int create(stack_pp crtStack, int packSize);
void kill(stack_pp crtStack);
int searchTop(stack_p crtStack, void *reader);
int push(stack_p crtStack, void *new);
int pop(stack_p crtStack);
int length_stack(stack_p crtStack);
my privateDataStack.h
#include "stack.h"
typedef struct node
void *data;
struct node *next;
typedef struct stack
int packSize;
node* top;
my stack.c
#include "privateDataStack.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int create(stack_pp crtStack, int packSize)
if(( (*crtStack) =(stack_p) malloc(sizeof(stack)) ) == NULL)
return FAILED;
(*crtStack)->packSize = packSize;
(*crtStack)->top = NULL;
return SUCESS;
void kill(stack_pp crtStack)
(**crtStack).top = NULL;
int push(stack_p crtStack, void *new)
node *myNode;
if((myNode = (node*) malloc(sizeof(node)) ) == NULL)
return FAILED;
if((myNode->data = (void*) malloc(crtStack->packSize))
== NULL)
return FAILED;
memcpy(myNode->data, new, crtStack->packSize);
myNode->next = crtStack->top;
crtStack->top = myNode;
return SUCESS;
int pop(stack_p crtStack)
if( (*crtStack).top == NULL )
return FAILED;
crtStack->top = crtStack->top->next;
return SUCESS;
int searchTop(stack_p crtStack, void *reader)
if(crtStack->top != NULL)
memcpy(reader, crtStack->top->data,
return SUCESS;
return FAILED;
int length_stack(stack_p crtStack)
int cont = 0;
node *aux;
if(crtStack->top != NULL)
aux = crtStack->top;
while(aux->next != NULL)
aux = (node*)(aux->next);
cont ++;
return cont;
some html to test
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Title of the document</title>
The content of the document......
Thank you!!!!
but I would also add-Wextra -Werror
. Code that compiles with warnings is probably not doing what you expect. – Martin York