i am trying to make c++ program for binary search tree which will contain following functionality (actually this is a part of my college assignment):
A) CREATE Binary search tree.
B) Inorder, preorder, postorder traversals. ( non-recursive )
C) Search the Val in tree.
D) Breadth first traversal.
E) Depth first traversal
F) Count leaf nodes, non-leaf nodes.
G) Count no. of levels
my doubt is:-
1. usually a tree node have following structure:
class node{
node *lChild;
int info;
node *rChild;
so in case i want to perform depth-first or breadth-first traversal can i change the node structure and add one more pointer pointing to the parent so that i can easily move backward in the hierarchy
class node{
node *parent //pointer to parent node
node *lChild;
int info;
node *rChild;
is this considered as normal practice or bad form of programming a binary tree ? and if it is not considered as good way of programming a tree is there any other way or do i have to use the method given in books of using stack (for Depth First) and queue(for breadth first) to store nodes (visited or non-visited accordingly)
2. This is first time i am learning data structures so it will be a great help if someone can explain in simple words that what is the difference between recursive and non-recursive traversal with binary tree in consideration