In Paxos made simple Lamport describes Phase 2 (a) of the algorithm as following:
If the proposer receives a response to its prepare requests (numbered n) from a majority of acceptors, then it sends an accept request to each of those acceptors for a proposal numbered n with a value v, where v is the value of the highest-numbered proposal among the responses, or is any value if the responses reported no proposals.
- Does this mean that a proposer can send an accept request as soon as he has gathered an response from a majority of the acceptors regardless of their proposal numbers? (I find the emphasized part of the quote to imply so, because all equally-numbered proposals should have the same value, right?)
- Or does the proposer need responses with the same proposal number from the majority of the acceptors? (Meaning that responses with a number m (being less that n) don't count towards the majority for responses numbered n)