
I would like to know if there is a way to delete a solution in CRM Dynamics 2011 without losing all the data. Here is what happened.

  • The organization has a managed solution deployed since mid june. It's called "Solution 1".
  • Solution 1 contains many entities. One of the entities is called "Entity 1".
  • Another managed solution was deployed yesterday. It is called "Solution 2".
  • Solution 2 contains only one entity : "Entity 1".

I would like to be able to delete solution 2 without losing the Entity 1 and it's data.



2 Answers


Removing Solution 2 should not delete Entity 1 since it is defined by Solution 1. It will however remove any new customizations you've made to Entity 1 that are not included in Solution 1.

Basically your Solution 2 is like a "hold" solution in the sense of this blog. The blog describes how to remove an attribute from a entity without removing the entity. In your case, you're just removing the "hold" solution instead of completing the process.


You should look at the 'ALM for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011' (see http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39044) Search in the document for 'Hotfix by deleting a component'