This is the setup I have. I am trying to make a game in unity which appears 2d but is actually 3d. I have a simple sphere and a floor, which is made up of cubes placed next to each other(the colliders overlap a little) with the same Y value and Z value. My 2d plane is in X-Y plane(Z being the depth).
Now in the script attached to the sphere, in the Update function, I have used rigidbody.addForce() in the +ve X axis function to move the sphere forward. I have attached rigidbody to the sphere and enabled gravity. The collider of the sphere is the default one.
Now the problem is:
When I run this scene. The sphere moves forward but at the intersection of the colliders, it jumps a bit(very less but still noticable) upward and loses its momentum. It happens at every intersection.
BUT this does NOT happen if I place the sphere on a floor made up of a SINGLE cube(a very long one).
Is this problem arising because of overlapping colliders? How do I solve this issue?
Thanks in advance