
I'm developing ASP.NET applications using Visual Studio 2012. I've always used IIS express to test application while developing, but now I need to test it on production environment.

IIS is running on a remote server, I installed there the Remote Debugger studio, created an application under default site (\test\baseTest), created a test project in Visual Studio 2012 and set to "Use Custom Web Server" at path http://myServerName/test/baseTest/.

Ok, there we are, I press F5 to start debugging, the connection through debugger works correctly (I can see a new line saying "myDomain\myuserName connected" but... the application is void, I miss all .aspx files.

enter image description here

Am i missing something? Should I set some parameters in Visual Studio to deploy all file when debugging to remote site?


2 Answers


This is remote debugging not automatic deployment.

You should copy all the website files to the remote iis. Remember to build in debug and deploy all the .pdb files. Check also in web.config.

      <compilation debug="true" />

Launch the Remote Debugging Monitor (msvsmon.exe) when you start debugging

There you can find a comprehensive guide to remote debugging:



To debug asp.net application from IIS you need to attach w3wp.exe process by going to Tools->Attach to Process option. You can see the detailed steps of debugging using IIS with diagram on this link: Debug asp.net application using IIS