I'm working on a project where I need to implement an article/news recommendation engine. I'm thinking of combining different methods (item-based, user based, model CF) and have a question regarding the tool to use.
From my research Lucene is definitely the tool for text processing but for the recommendation part, it's not so clear. If I want to implement an item CF on articles based on text similarity : - I've seen case studies using Mahout but also solr (http://fr.slideshare.net/lucenerevolution/building-a-realtime-solrpowered-recommendation-engine), as it's really close to a search problem I would think that solr is maybe better, am I right ? - What are the differences in term of time processing between the 2 tools (I think Mahout is more batch and solr real time) ? - Can I get a text distance directly from Lucene (it's not really clear for me what is the added value of solr compared to Lucene) ? - For more advanced method (model based on matrix factorization), I would use Mahout but is there any SVD-like function in solr for concept/tag discovering ?
Thanks for your help.