
I am using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Edition, when creating a "New Project" in "Templates" I cannot see any JavaScript Templates. I am in VS modality for JavaScript Development.

Any idea how to show JS default template in VS 2013 Ultimate (similarly at what you see on VS 2013 Express edition)?

I see this project as add in to VS, but Ia mconcerning to have a solutions directly from MS if possible blogs.msdn.com/b/msdn_answers/archive/2013/04/10/…GibboK

2 Answers


I experienced the same issue. You will need to go to the File tab, select new, and then select file. After select a new file you will have the option to choose a .js file but not a project. select a new .js file. After selected a new .js file, go over to the right in the solution explorer and start a new project from there and just continue to add new file into that project.


I had this same problem but was able to get it to show up:

Visual Studio javascript template

Because I was using Node.js I first made sure I had the latest node version. But this is what gave me the templates you see above...

Azure Tools for VS 2013: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=323510

I guess it makes sense... don't know... it just worked!

I also found the Blank NODE.JS (version 4) template to create a project, and use NPM automatically to get all dependencies. The App.js file looks like this:

The app.js file auto-created

And the solution folder:

enter image description here