This question is a follow-up question from Stata: replace, if, forvalues. Consider this data:
set seed 123456
set obs 5000
g firmid = "firm" + string(_n) /* Observation (firm) id */
g nw = floor(100*runiform()) /* Number of workers in a firm */
g double lat = 39+runiform() /* Latitude in decimal degree of a firm */
g double lon = -76+runiform() /* Longitude in decimal degree of a firm */
The first 10 observations are:
| firmid nw lat lon |
1. | firm1 81 39.915526 -75.505018 |
2. | firm2 35 39.548523 -75.201567 |
3. | firm3 10 39.657866 -75.17988 |
4. | firm4 83 39.957938 -75.898837 |
5. | firm5 56 39.575881 -75.169157 |
6. | firm6 73 39.886184 -75.857255 |
7. | firm7 27 39.33288 -75.724665 |
8. | firm8 75 39.165549 -75.96502 |
9. | firm9 64 39.688819 -75.232764 |
10. | firm10 76 39.012228 -75.166272 |
I need to calculate the distances between firm 1 and all other firms. So, the vincenty command looks like:
. scalar theLat = 39.915526
. scalar theLon = -75.505018
. vincenty lat lon theLat theLon, hav(distance_km) inkm
The vincenty command creates the distance_km variable that has distances between each observation and firm 1. Here, I manually copy and paste the two numbers that are 39.915526 and -75.505018.
Question 1: What's the syntax that extracts those numbers?
Now, I can keep observations where distances_km <= 2. And,
. egen near_nw_sum = sum(nw)
will create the sum of workers within 2 kilometers of the firm 1. (Or, the collapse command may do the job.)
Question 2: I have to do this for all firms, and the final data should look like:
| firmid nw lat lon near_nw_sum |
1. | firm1 81 39.915526 -75.505018 (# workers near firm1) |
2. | firm2 35 39.548523 -75.201567 (# workers near firm2) |
3. | firm3 10 39.657866 -75.17988 (# workers near firm3) |
4. | firm4 83 39.957938 -75.898837 (# workers near firm4) |
5. | firm5 56 39.575881 -75.169157 (# workers near firm5) |
6. | firm6 73 39.886184 -75.857255 (# workers near firm6) |
7. | firm7 27 39.33288 -75.724665 (# workers near firm7) |
8. | firm8 75 39.165549 -75.96502 (# workers near firm8) |
9. | firm9 64 39.688819 -75.232764 (# workers near firm9) |
10. | firm10 76 39.012228 -75.166272 (# workers near firm10) |
Creating the near_nw_sum variable is my final goal. I need your help here for my weak data management skill.