
What is this and why am i getting it when i try to login to my website? It looks like form injection warning but from where,how, and why. My computer doesnt have a virus or malware (that i know of) Im running an almost brand new mac os x 10.9 and the browser im using is Google Chrome.

The full error message is as follows:

Error Message: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (h_rm_pgs_ClientState="...rialGirls'","value":"1695...").

Where is this coming from and why?

What are the full form values?SLaks
my form is asking for a username and a passworduser520300
im also connected to a VPN (dont know if that is a factor)user520300
Show us the full URL including parameters...IrishChieftain

2 Answers


Trace sent values by Google Chrome. Just right click and select Inspect Element then go to Network and after that open target page to trace and understand what happened.

I guess it happens when your browser has unwanted plugins or additional tools in your computer. Good Luck.


I'm guessing you have a password that contains "<". ASP.NET returns that message from it's request validation in an attempt to stop XSS.