Consider this lex.l file:
#include ""
digit [0-9]
letter [a-zA-Z]
"+" { return PLUS; }
"-" { return MINUS; }
"*" { return TIMES; }
"/" { return SLASH; }
"(" { return LPAREN; }
")" { return RPAREN; }
";" { return SEMICOLON; }
"," { return COMMA; }
"." { return PERIOD; }
":=" { return BECOMES; }
"=" { return EQL; }
"<>" { return NEQ; }
"<" { return LSS; }
">" { return GTR; }
"<=" { return LEQ; }
">=" { return GEQ; }
"begin" { return BEGINSYM; }
"call" { return CALLSYM; }
"const" { return CONSTSYM; }
"do" { return DOSYM; }
"end" { return ENDSYM; }
"if" { return IFSYM; }
"odd" { return ODDSYM; }
"procedure" { return PROCSYM; }
"then" { return THENSYM; }
"var" { return VARSYM; }
"while" { return WHILESYM; }
{letter}({letter}|{digit})* { = strdup(yytext);
return IDENT; }
{digit}+ { yylval.num = atoi(yytext);
return NUMBER; }
[ \t\n\r] /* skip whitespace */
. { printf("Unknown character [%c]\n",yytext[0]);
return UNKNOWN; }
int yywrap(void){return 1;}
In this example identifier cannot be the reserved word, because it will be matched above. Is it some technique in this case to allow define identifier as a reserved word?