
A litle while ago I was on Codeproject and came across a cool little tesxteditor and the whole form was made out of aero-glass, and the whole textbox was too. But I can't find it anymore. Does anybody know where it's gone? Or how I can make my Windows Form completely made out of Aero Glass?

Thank you :)

What is the question, how to write a cool text editor or how to enable glass?Hans Passant
sorry nobugz i wasn't clear enough, i edited my questionjay_t55
It is well described in this blog post: danielmoth.com/Blog/2006/06/vista-glass-in-c_17.htmlHans Passant
@nobugz, great link; looks like this should be an answer to me :)Rhys Jones
thank you very much nobugz!!!!!!!!!!! :D you've saved me so much time and trouble, um; why wasn't this an answer? lol +1jay_t55

3 Answers


So this time with the launch of Windows 7, Microsoft provides the Windows 7 API Code Pack. The Windows 7 API Code Pack not only just allows incorporating the aero glass effect, but many other features which will let you to work more conveniently with Windows 7.

The Windows API code pack allows developers to develop those features which are not available with .NET Framework. So to get started visit:

Windows® Code Pack API for Windows 7 & Windows Vista 


Windows Training Kit 


The training kit includes the demos and presentations, hand-on labs for developers. I haven't yet started with Windows 7 development. But as soon as I get started I will blog some demo for Windows 7.