@Display.Body_Editor(Text:Model.InfoBubbleHtml,EditorFlavor:"html") is rendering a shape named Body.Editor.cshtml.
This file lives in : Orchard.Web\Core\Common\Views\Body.Editor.cshtml
And it's content is
@using Orchard.Utility.Extensions;
string editorFlavor = Model.EditorFlavor;
@Html.TextArea("Text", (string)Model.Text, 25, 80, new { @class = editorFlavor.HtmlClassify() })
So using this Shape you cannot set Id, Model is the anon that you send on the Display (Text and EditorFlavor).
Shapes.cs on Orchard.Core/Common is hooking an alternate using the EditoFlavor string.
public void Discover(ShapeTableBuilder builder) {
.OnDisplaying(displaying => {
string flavor = displaying.Shape.EditorFlavor;
displaying.ShapeMetadata.Alternates.Add("Body_Editor__" + flavor);
So the final file that is rendered : TinyMVC\Views\Body-Html.Editor.cshtml
using Orchard.Environment.Descriptor.Models
var shellDescriptor = WorkContext.Resolve<ShellDescriptor>();
<script type="text/javascript">
var mediaPickerEnabled = @(shellDescriptor.Features.Any(x => x.Name == "Orchard.MediaPicker") ? "true" : "false");
var mediaLibraryEnabled = @(shellDescriptor.Features.Any(x => x.Name == "Orchard.MediaLibrary") ? "true" : "false");
@Html.TextArea("Text", (string)Model.Text, 25, 80,
new Dictionary<string,object> {
{"class", "html tinymce"},
{"data-mediapicker-title",T("Insert/Update Media")},
{"style", "width:100%"}
You need to add this to the template and include another parameter in the TextArea Dictionary parameter named : {"id", "THE ID YOU LIKE"}.
Take a look at the docs about Shapes if you want to learn more Docs