
I use Entity Framework as ORM in my .net MVC project. I've implemented the Repository-Pattern (generic) to get/save/update/remove DAOs (Data Access Objects). I also have Business Objects which contain all the business logic. I have - for example - a DAO called Student and a BO (Business Object) called Student as well. The BO contains the logic, the DAO just the data stored in the DB. Now I am wondering if the Student-Repository should return the Business-Object instead of the DAO? I could achieve that using Automapper by converting the DAO to a Business Object before returning it from the Repository.Get(). Same with all the other methods. But is this a good practice?


I have a Data Access Layer project and a project for the Business Logic. Entity Framework creates its entities in partial classes (into the Data Access Project) so I could actually extend the entities with other partial classes but the problem is that I reference the Data Access Project in my Business project and I don't have access to the logic code within the Data Access project. So I have to put the logic inside the Business project but as it is not possible to create partial classes over two projects I have to go another way... or do you have a good idea how to structure and solve the problem in a better way?


2 Answers


IMHO there are several goals (some competing):

  • Make business logic testable in isolation
  • Design domain objects to match your domain
  • Decouple data access from everything else
  • Keep it simple

Can you test your business logic without a database? Probably yes, whether the classes are EF POCO entities or mapped from DAOs.

Do your domain objects match your domain? Are their names well-chosen? Are they always in a valid state? (This can be difficult with a bunch of public read/write properties.) Domain-driven design considerations apply here. (I'm no expert in that.)

Could you swap out EF for Dapper, SQL Server for MongoDB, or current data access for a web service call without changing anything outside the data access layer - with confidence? My suspicion is no. Generic repositories tend to leak IQueryable into other layers. Not everything supports querying, and provider implementations vary. Unit tests typically use LINQ to Objects, which does not behave the same as LINQ to Entities. Also, if you want to extract a web service contract, you would have to look through all classes to find all the queries. See IQueryable is Tight Coupling.

Finally, do you need all of this? If your application's purpose is CRUD data access with no business logic above simple validation, maybe not. These considerations definitely apply to a complex application or site.


Yes, that's totally good practice. Usually you have repository interfaces defined in domain assembly. These interfaces are used by domain services, and implemented in persistence assembly. Entity Framework allows you to map business entities fluently, without polluting them with attributes or forcing them to inherit from some specific base class (POCO entities). That makes your domain model Persistence Ignorant.