
In new google map there are several travel mode like driving, bicycling, walking and transit but they also added fly mode also. I can choose fly mode in new google map but i cant get fly travel mode in google maps v3 api. I want to to show fly distance between two cities on my site like google map shows on google map.


$base_url = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/xml?sensor=false';
$xml = simplexml_load_file("$base_url&origin=Lahore&destination=Multan");
echo $distance = (string)$xml->route->leg->distance->text;
echo $duration = (string)$xml->route->leg->duration->text

driving, walking and other modes are working but fly is not working.

Whats your problem tell me clearlyPadmanathan J
i want to calculate flight distance between two cities and also show that on mapBurhan

1 Answers


Waking and Driving mode only applicable in Google maps api. Fly mode is not available.

Check this link