
Using the NeatUpload file-upload control

Is there a way I can paste a file path (instead of browsing) into an InputFile control? Say I have the path on the clipboard and javascript sets focus to the control, and the user manually pastes the clipboard contents using ctrl+v.

Right now, if I paste the clipboard, it doesn't seem to receive the file. That is, the textual path does not seem to get accepted into the control.

Now, I've found these thread: Assign file path to FileUpload Control and How can I set path in the fileupload control on page load , but I thought maybe since NeatUpload has such influence over the control that there was another way - say, if the user pasted the file-path into a text box, then I could have the file-path available to code-behind. Then, how would I get that path into the InputFile control? I've read the NeatUpload docs and searched the forums, but I still need some advice or examples.

Is there a way to be able to receive a paste event into the InputFile control? Or, is there a way to get the path from a textbox into the upload sequence code?

What does your markup look like and what JavaScript are you using to paste from the clipboard? Can JavaScript even read the clipboard? That is, are you able to make this work for other elements in the page?David
No, I'm not using script to do the pasting. Say the user has the file path on the clipboard and pushes ctrl+v now I want the script to accept the path into the file-upload control. JS doesn't have to read the clipboard.bgmCoder

1 Answers


Due to security reasons, there is no way to set any of the settings for this type of control.

However, a workaround is this: Add a javascript (A simple $('InputFileID').click(); will do nicely) function that will click the Browse button. This will open the file-browsing dialogue. Now the user can paste the clipboard right into the box in that dialogue.