I'm wondering what is the state-of-the-art efficient (approximate) implementation of Support Vector Machines (SVM) for large/very large datasets (5-15M+ rows), with non linear decision boundary (such as gaussian kernel)?
I'm aware of two particular approaches: On the one hand, this survey that uses stochastic gradient descent, etc.: http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~akmenon/ResearchExam.pdf
On the other hand, there are these core vector machines/ball vector machines approaches: http://www.c2i.ntu.edu.sg/ivor/cvm.html
on which page we may find two papers that describe both core and ball vector machines.
In other words, I believe SVMs is quite plausible for the problem in hand, but I'm limited by sample size, if I were to use the standard SVM implementation (could be up to n^3 complexity). I'm looking for an "approximate" implementation that is reasonably accurate while being below n^2 in time complexity. What are the fastest such implementations? Do they work well empirically or close to the original SVM in accuracy?