In Drupal 7, I have three languages set up: English, French and German. To translate the contact form URL, I've done the following for the French language:
- Go to: admin/config/search/path
- Click "Add Alias"
- Language: select "French"
- Existing system path: enter "contact"
- Path alias: enter "contactez-nous"
- Save
This is working fine. Then I'm trying to do the same for German using the "kontakt" path alias, but each time I go to the translated path (/de/kontakt) I see the following message:
Oops, looks like this request tried to create an infinite loop. We do not allow such things here. We are a professional website!
This doesn't happen for the French language.
As I've setup the French language a long time ago, perhaps another step is involved but I can't figure it. Any idea ?