I was trying to use Nokia's sample code to develop an app with Nokia Imaging SDK.
here BackgroundVideoBrush is of type VideoBrush for viewfinder and _photoCaptureDevice is of type PhotoCaptureDevice. now this throws an error
"cannot convert from 'Windows.Phone.Media.Capture.PhotoCaptureDevice' to 'System.Windows.Controls.MediaElement'"
"The best overloaded method match for 'System.Windows.Media.VideoBrush.SetSource(System.Windows.Controls.MediaElement)' has some invalid arguments"
This code works fine in their sample code called FilterEffects and shows no error. Why is that so? how to remove this error?
nokia's sample code : http://developer.nokia.com/Resources/Library/Lumia/#!nokia-imaging-sdk/sample-projects/filter-effects.html