I'm not sure if this was as a result of a recent update to OSX 10.9, but for some reason, all the /dev/tty.Serial* and /dev/cu.Serial* targets are now missing, making serial communication with a connected USB device impossible, programatically.
I can see the USB device connecting in the "System Information" screens, and the device will connect appropriately with an installed instance of Windows running in a VMWare Fusion VM, but for the life of me, OSX will not give me a I/O-able target in /dev for the USB device. Did Apple move where the old /dev/tty.Serial* devices now hook into the system, or is this in fact just broken. I'm dead in the water until I can figure this out.
tail -f /var/log/system.log
I can see that the arduino leonardo is detected but it's not assigned a target in /dev. I just see the following message:Nov 23 20:36:57 Dons-Mac-mini kernel[0]: AppleUSBCDCACMData: Version number - 4.2.1b2, Input buffers 8, Output buffers 16
– donturner