
I was trying to follow the step-by-step instructions in Grails In Action (http://www.manning.com/gsmith2/GiA2E_meap_ch01.pdf), and the scaffolding explained in section 1.5.1, Pg. 21-23 does not seem to be working for me.

I added the static scaffold = true in the QuoteController.groovy as suggested. Then did grails run-app, and when I head to localhost:8080/qotd/quote/list I get a 404 error (instead of the Figure 1.11 in the pdf) as follows:

HTTP Status 404 - /qotd/quote/list
type Status report
message /qotd/quote/list
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.42

Here is the QuoteController.groovy:

package qotd

class QuoteController {
    static scaffold = true

    def index() { 
        redirect(action: "home")

    def home() {
        render "Real Programmers do not eat Quiche"

    def random() {
        def allQuotes = Quote.list()
        def randomQuote
        def n = allQuotes.size()
        if (n > 0){
            def randomIdx = new Random().nextInt(n)
            randomQuote = allQuotes[randomIdx]
        } else{
            String str = "Real Programmers Don't Eat Quiche" + n
            randomQuote = new Quote(author: "Anonymous",
                    content: str)
        [quote: randomQuote]

However, going to localhost:8080/qotd/quote/create works fine (matches with Figure 1.12 in the pdf), and I am able to create a new quote.

The versions I am using are:
App version: 0.1
Grails version: 2.3.1
Groovy version: 2.1.8
JVM version: 1.7.0_45

Is this a bug in Grails or I am missing something?

I am new to Groovy and Grails, and any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you!


2 Answers


The list action has been removed for some reason. Use index instead.


There are more changes now with version 2.4.2. The following url explains how scaffolding has been moved to the plugin model:


"As of Grails 2.3, the scaffolding feature has been moved to a plugin. By default this is configured for installation in new applications, but if you are upgrading from a previous version of Grails you will need to add the following configuration to your BuildConfig.groovy file..."

So, inside the plugins { } section add this line:

compile ":scaffolding:2.0.0"

Also, use the action 'create' to force data into your database if it's still empty. For example:


Then try to see if you can load it with:



myapp --> with your application name (used in 'grails create-app')

mycont --> your controller name (used in 'grails create-controller')