How can I search for insertion points in a sorted vector?
In other words, what's the Matlab equivalent of the Octave "lookup" function:
Here's what I'd like to do:
res = bsxfun(@gt, A * B, c);
Where A and B are large sparse matrices and c is a non-negative column vector.
Unfortunately, before comparing with c, the matrix A * B has too many nonzero elements to fit in memory so I can't just do this multiplication directly.
Instead I put an upper bound on the number of nonzero elements in each row by taking
counts = spones(A) * sum(spones(B),2);
Then, I want to split the counts array into n parts whose sums are roughly equal. In Octave I would say:
cs = cumsum(counts)';
sectionSize = ceil(cs(end) / n);
places = lookup(cs, (0:n) * sectionSize);
bounds = [places(1:n) + 1; places(2:(n+1))];
And now I can build res piece by piece without exhausting all the memory on the machine:
res = sparse(size(A,1),size(B,2));
for b = bounds
res(b(1):b(2),:) = bsxfun(@gt,A(b(1):b(2),:) * B,c(b(1):b(2)));
I welcome any better ideas for how to do this. Especially since Matlab warns that the res array shouldn't be built by indexing in this way.
function? – chappjc