
I always wondered what they are: every time I hear about them, images of futuristic flywheel-like devices go dancing (rolling?) through my mind...

What are they?


11 Answers


When you use regular locks (mutexes, critical sections etc), operating system puts your thread in the WAIT state and preempts it by scheduling other threads on the same core. This has a performance penalty if the wait time is really short, because your thread now has to wait for a preemption to receive CPU time again.

Besides, kernel objects are not available in every state of the kernel, such as in an interrupt handler or when paging is not available etc.

Spinlocks don't cause preemption but wait in a loop ("spin") till the other core releases the lock. This prevents the thread from losing its quantum and continue as soon as the lock gets released. The simple mechanism of spinlocks allows a kernel to utilize it in almost any state.

That's why on a single core machine a spinlock is simply a "disable interrupts" or "raise IRQL" which prevents thread scheduling completely.

Spinlocks ultimately allow kernels to avoid "Big Kernel Lock"s (a lock acquired when core enters kernel and released at the exit) and have granular locking over kernel primitives, causing better multi-processing on multi-core machines thus better performance.

EDIT: A question came up: "Does that mean I should use spinlocks wherever possible?" and I'll try to answer it:

As I mentioned, Spinlocks are only useful in places where anticipated waiting time is shorter than a quantum (read: milliseconds) and preemption doesn't make much sense (e.g. kernel objects aren't available).

If waiting time is unknown, or if you're in user mode Spinlocks aren't efficient. You consume 100% CPU time on the waiting core while checking if a spinlock is available. You prevent other threads from running on that core till your quantum expires. This scenario is only feasible for short bursts at kernel level and unlikely an option for a user-mode application.

Here is a question on SO addressing that: Spinlocks, How Useful Are They?


Say a resource is protected by a lock ,a thread that wants access to the resource needs to acquire the lock first. If the lock is not available, the thread might repeatedly check if the lock has been freed. During this time the thread busy waits, checking for the lock, using CPU, but not doing any useful work. Such a lock is termed as a spin lock.


It is pertty much a loop that keeps going till a certain condition is met:

while(cantGoOn) {};
 while(something != TRUE ){};
 // it happend

It's a type of lock that does busy waiting

It's considered an anti-pattern, except for very low-level driver programming (where it can happen that calling a "proper" waiting function has more overhead than simply busy locking for a few cycles).

See for example Spinlocks in Linux kernel.


SpinLocks are the ones in which thread waits till the lock is available. This will normally be used to avoid overhead of obtaining the kernel objects when there is a scope of acquiring the kernel object within some small time period.


While(SpinCount-- && Kernel Object is not free)

try acquiring Kernel object

You would want to use a spinlock when you think it is cheaper to enter a busy waiting loop and pool a resource instead of blocking when the resource is locked.

Spinning can be beneficial when locks are fine grained and large in number (for example, a lock per node in a linked list) as well as when lock hold times are always extremely short. In general, while holding a spin lock, one should avoid blocking, calling anything that itself may block, holding more than one spin lock at once, making dynamically dispatched calls (interface and virtuals), making statically dispatched calls into any code one doesn't own, or allocating memory.

It's also important to note that SpinLock is a value type, for performance reasons. As such, one must be very careful not to accidentally copy a SpinLock instance, as the two instances (the original and the copy) would then be completely independent of one another, which would likely lead to erroneous behavior of the application. If a SpinLock instance must be passed around, it should be passed by reference rather than by value.


In nutshell, spinlock employs atomic compare and swap (CAS) or test-and-set like instructions to implement lock free, wait free thread safe idiom. Such structures scale well in multi-core machines.


Well, yes - the point of spin locks (vs a traditional critical sections, etc) is that they offer better performance under some circumstances (multicore systems..), because they don't immediately yield the rest of the thread's quantum.


Spinlock, is a type of lock, which is non-block able & non-sleep-able. Any thread which want to acquire a spinlock for any shared or critical resource will continuously spin, wasting the CPU processing cycle till it acquire the lock for the specified resource. Once spinlock is acquired, it try to complete the work in its quantum and then release the resource respectively. Spinlock is the highest priority type of lock, simply can say, it is non-preemptive kind of lock.


It's a loop that spins around until a condition is met.