I'm trying to use the django resource provided by the application_python cookbook: https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/application_python
If a follow the example provided in
and having declared depends application_python
on mt metadata, I got the following error:
No resource found for django. Tried application_django, application_python_django, django
So I tried to follow the advice here in Including a Chef LWRP from another cookbook using "application_python_django" resource rather than just "django". And I got:
No resource found for application_python_django. Tried application_application_python_django, application_python_application_python_django, application_python_django
Interesting is that if I remove the application resource and leave only the application_python_django resource, the complain is:
You must supply a name when declaring a application_python_django resource
!!! So it seems the resource was found. So, if a declare the resource name, the recipe is executed, but no action is performed do the django resource (in deed, a lot of parameters are missing, that were in the application resource).
Ah, if I remove the application and leave only the resource as django, a also get:
Cannot find a resource for django on ubuntu version 12.04
Well, I'm a quite lost.
The initial try for my recipe was:
application 'radar_parlamentar' do
path '$HOME/radar_parlamentar'
owner 'radar'
repository 'https://github.com/leonardofl/radar_parlamentar.git'
revision 'master'
django do
debug true
collectstatic 'build_static --noinput'
database do
database 'radarparlamentar'
adapter 'mysql'
username 'radarparlamentar'
password 'secret'
gunicorn do
only_if { node['roles'].include? 'packaginator_application_server' }
app_module :django
port 8080
tks, Leonardo