
To learn Ember.js I started writing a small bookmark application. Bookmarks with the selected label should be displayed in the bottom box.


{{#each itemController="label"}}
    <a href="#" {{bind-attr class=":label active:label-primary:label-default"}} {{action 'findLinks'}}>{{name}}</a>
{{#each links}}


App.LabelController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
    needs: ["list"],
    active: false,

    actions: {
        findLinks: function() {
            var listController = this.get('controllers.list');

            listController.set('model', this.get('store').find('link'));

Label Data:

App.Label = DS.Model.extend({
    links: DS.hasMany('link'),
    name: DS.attr('string'),
    color: DS.attr('string')

App.Label.FIXTURES = [
        id: 1,
        name: 'Develop',
        color: 'blue'

Link Data:

App.Link = DS.Model.extend({
    labels: DS.hasMany('label'),
    name: DS.attr(),
    url: DS.attr()

App.Link.FIXTURES = [
        id: 1,
        name: 'Google',
        url: 'http://google.com',
        labels: [1]

The issue I have now is that setting the model in LabelController doesn't update the list of links. I also doubt that this is the right approuch.

How would you do such a thing in Ember?

Edit: http://jsbin.com/Ovuw/81/edit

Can you set a JsFiddle with the code? Preconfigured starting points stackoverflow.com/tags/ember.js/infoEdu
I set up a JsFiddle. Meanwhile you can also see the running application here: home.mythli.net/web/ember/bookmarkerMythli
Yeah I saw it, but with all the code in one site is better for answer your question...Edu
I added a JS Bin. I was struggling with the dependency on the Ember.js data library as I couldn't find a hosted copy.Mythli

1 Answers


Is this what you want? http://jsbin.com/Ovuw/83/edit I commented the code, if you have questions be free to comment

Good luck