Server A:
- I am having CRM (2011) portal deployed on a server.
- There is one WCF service "Discovery.svc" which got installed and configured during installation of CRM2011.
Server B:
- My development machine is in another domain than the CRM portal.
- I am trying to write an ASP.NET website which expects to call "Discovery.svc" of CRM portal within the context of CRM user. For that, I have written following in web.config:
<identity impersonate="true" password="password" userName="domainname\username"/>
Currently I am running the website in the development environment only, and not in IIS (because its having IIS 5.1, so I thought to run it within Visual Studio only)
Doing this is giving me following error message:
"Could not create Windows user token from the credential specified in the config file. Error from the operating system 'Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."
but I know my credentials are correct.
Can anyone guide me what could be wrong here?