I have a text field with type-ahead enabled. This field should accept multiple entries separated with semi-colon.
The field on the form bound is an Edit field with accept multiple values.
When saving the Xpage the value saved have an extra empty entry inserted at the end.
This is crucial error since the field is a Reader Names field and this enables the document readable to everyone instead of only to those groups taht is entered.
This is my field in the Xpage:
<xp:inputText id="inputText1" value="#{document1.docReaders}" multipleSeparator=";" multipleTrim="true" style="width:300px">
<xp:attr name="placeHolder" value="Enter values, separate with semi-colon">
<xp:typeAhead mode="full" minChars="2" var="lookupKey" valueListSeparator=";" tokens=";" ignoreCase="true">
<xp:this.valueList><![CDATA[#{javascript:var members = new tradesec.TCGroupUI().getMembers().sort();
return members;
Values returned are displayed in the type-ahead drop down and when selecting one, the value is passed to the field with a semi-colon at the end; "MLI;"
Looking in the document it is stored with "MLI" and a "".
If I enter more than one entry the values are stored also and with an extra empty entry.
Using Domino 9 with latest patches. Please advice!