
I have done image blurring using Gaussian Blur in opencv (smoothing). I came across in search in Google about histogram blurring. Now my question here is, do I apply blurring to the histogram or to the image and than reconstruct the histogram.

What I feel is that I apply to the image and than make the histogram because applying blurring to the histogram does not change any parameters and context about the image. Well I am not sure that is my reason but it will be really grateful if I can get some advice on this.

Sounds like the XY problem to me. What do you really want to do?Roger Rowland
Actually, I just want to get ideas on it nothing else. I did image blurring project and i was just wondering what histogram smoothing would do.kcc__
I see - and as far as I'm aware, histogram blurring is used as part of a larger process, like adaptive contrast enhancement. For example see page 3 of this paper.Roger Rowland

1 Answers


There is actually nothing called Histogram blurring. What you might be referring to is Histogram Equalization or Adaptive Histogram Equalization. There are many other related techniques if you read up on various papers referenced in the links.

The basic idea is - you apply a 1D transformation on the histogram and then transfer that histogram back onto the original image; thereby applying all changes on the contrast onto the original image.

Hope this helps.