
I have data that I need to present in both a bar and line chart as one this how the chart is laid out in SSRS:

  • Series Group: Location

  • Category Group: Year
  • Category Group: Month

  • Values (Y Axis): Site_count (Bar chart)
  • Values (Y Axis):Network_count (Line chart)

My issue is that the Correspondences_count for both of these are being grouped by location. I need to prevent the line chart one being added to the location grouping, so that way it shows a single line.

I found this, that seems to show how this might be able to be done.. . however its not working for me: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/74d9affc-ebf3-485c-988e-f28f7049b600/how-to-make-one-of-the-chart-ignore-series-grouping

Any help is as always appreciated.


1 Answers


The process described in that link should be OK.

Say I have some sample data:

enter image description here

And a simple chart that has the same issue you're describing:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Under the Network_count Chart Series properties, change the Value field expression to:

=Sum(Fields!Network_count.Value, "Month_CategoryGroup")

enter image description here

Here, Month_CategoryGroup is the name of a Category Group:

enter image description here

Now the Network_count value is the total for all Locations:

enter image description here

You'll note I've removed Network_count from the Legend:

enter image description here

This was displaying incorrectly so I just removed it. If you still want a Legend, the easiest thing would be to create something with a tablix/textboxes outside of the chart.