
I am currently using CrystalREports 2013.

I have following configuration in CRConfig.xml file


I have also copied the mongo-2.10.1.jar file in the lib directory under C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\lib folder.

downloaded mongo-2.10.1.jar from https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-java-driver/downloads

When I open Crystal Reports and open new crystal reports. I try to connect to JDBC(JNDI) through the available Datasources option, upon click of finish, I get following error.. Failed to open the connection. Details: JDBC driver not found.

Some help in configuration in CRConfig.xml would be of great help.


2 Answers


MongoDB is a NoSQL database and therefore does not support JDBC connections, there's no JDBC driver for it. You won't be able to connect a standard reporting tool like Crystal reports to MongoDB.

You have a few alternative options:

  1. I've heard that JasperSoft have tools for reporting against MongoDB
  2. You can write a job that exports your MongoDB data into a traditional SQL database and connect Crystal to the SQL database
  3. You can write your own tool to pull information out of MongoDB using one of the language drivers.

Looks like it worked with UnityJDBC : http://www.unityjdbc.com/mongojdbc/mongo_jdbc.php

Settings in CRConfig.xml file are as follows.

<Classpath>C:\mongodb\jdbcdriver\mongo-java-driver-  2.11.2.jar;C:\mongodb\jdbcdriver\mongodb_unityjdbc.jar;

