
libpcap is a packet capture library. It makes sense to me that packet sniffers/analyzers use it since they capture network traffic and analyze it. Why does a packet generator e.g Ostinato use libpcap? As far as I know, traffic generators do not need to capture packet traffic.

Please help me clarify the confusion.

Thank you.

just because it's called pcap(ture), doesn't that capturing is ALL that the library does...Marc B

2 Answers


libpcap is a packet capture library.

It's also, as of libpcap 0.9 (it's currently up to 1.4), a packet injection library, with pcap_inject() and pcap_sendpacket() APIs (two APIs for backwards compatibility with OpenBSD and WinPcap, but the difference is trivial).


As the creator of Ostinato, just want to highlight two things -

  1. libpcap/winpcap is not just a packet capture library but also a packet injection library; most importantly, it is cross platform
  2. Ostinato (and other traffic generators) support packet capture as well as packet generation

So libpcap/winpcap was an obvious choice for Ostinato