I have built an extensive library to render complex data from several XML sources, and have abstracted some of these sources as classes which just extend Object
. As an experiment, I began extending XMLListCollection
in an attempt to make the data-handling implementation more integrated and Flex-like, but thus far mxmlc does not cooperate with a useful message.
The compilation which generates an error:
(fcsh) mxmlc -use-network=true -omit-trace-statements=false -debug=true xmllist_test.mxml
fcsh: Assigned 1 as the compile target id
Loading configuration file /dev/Flex SDK/frameworks/flex-config.xml
Recompile: xmllist_test.mxml
Reason: The source file wasn't fully compiled.
Files changed: 0 Files affected: 1
xmllist_test.mxml(-1): Error: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 1.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
The offending mxml, xmllist_test.mxml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- xmllist_test -->
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
import mafComponents.examples.*;
public var maf:XML = MafExamples.ghp010; // defined statically in the package
public function makeItSo():void
trace('name', maf.@name);
<!-- a comment -->
<mx:XMLListCollection id="mafSource1" source="{maf.block}"/> <!-- no problem -->
<maf:MafXMLListCollection id="mafSource2" metasource="maf}"/> <!-- won't compile -->
I included in the above xmllist_test.mxml
code an example which works using <mx:XMLListCollection>
, but the whole compilation fails at the presence of my custom component <maf:MafXMLListCollection>
I don't know how to interpret the compiler message, considering that xmllist_test.mxml(-1)
seems to indicate an error before lines were counted, and the reporting of the xml declaration line.
I couldn't find any documentation on how to use fx:Declarations
in this way, although it is stated as a place reserved for non-visual components, which mine is:
package mafComponents
import mx.collections.*;
* An extension of XMLListCollection that specifically serializes the "block" elements of a MAF, while processing other information as well.
public class MafXMLListCollection extends XMLListCollection
public var maf:XML;
public var mafXMLList:XMLList;
public var name:String;
private var _metasource:*;
* Process the sequence of "blocks" in datasource to an XMLList to use as the parent class's "source" attribute
public function set metasource(datasource:*):void
// multiple options for source, get it to the point of an XML with "maf" at the root
if (datasource is XML)
maf = datasource as XML;
mafXMLList = maf.block; // this expression returns an XMLList
name = 'MafXMLListCollection_' + maf.@name;
source = mafXMLList;
// do other stuff with the data structure here
// ...
* @private
public function get metasource():* { return _metasource; }
public function MafXMLListCollection(datasource:*)
metasource = datasource;
// make the main list from the sequence of "block" sections in the XML
trace(name + '.length: ' + length);
Despite this problem, I can use the custom component through actionscript in the <fx:Script>
tag without compilation errors. I just don't understand if the MXML compilation fails because I am making a syntactic error, or if my misunderstanding is at the philosophical level and I have attempted something that just isn't implemented.
Thank you in advance for any perspective you might offer on the subject.