I am creating a sample application using ember 1.0 and ember-data 1.0 Beta 2.0. with RESTAdapter to connect to backend server. When I try to save a record, it always invoke failure handler at the first submission. But the record actually gets saved at backend without fail. From the server the response for submission contains the created entity set with id. When I try to debug the code in developer tools, it actually goes through the code for route transition, but then it returns back to Add view before completing the transition. It seems to be some callbacks from jQuery global event handlers are causing the problem.
Here is the code I am using
App.AddResourceRoute = App.ResourceManagerRoute.extend(
model: function () {
return this.store.createRecord('Resource');
actions: {
save: function () {
this.modelFor('AddResource').save().then(function (resource) {
}, function (reason) {
alert('Failure reason:' + reason);
Please help me to find out what is wrong with my code. Thanks in advance