I've created a very simple dialog-based MFC app using VS2010 in an attempt to find a solution to a problem we're having. I've dropped a combobox onto the dialog from the toolbox, and modified the OnInitDialog
method to add a whole bunch of items to it.
I would like to restrict the vertical size of the open combobox. It seems that the way to do this using the designer is to click on the drop-down arrow of the combobox control, which switches the kinds of handles available to resize the control, and allows a height to be set. This height does affect the size of the closed combobox, but is supposed to control the size of the opened combobox.
This isn't the case, however. How can the vertical size of the opened drop down be restricted?
at runtime to control the height of the dropdown list. – IInspectableNo Integral height
to true allows that to work, as @IInspectable pointed out. Thanks for trying it, though :) – Steve