
I would like to graph the following data on a 3-axis bar graph in excel. I've uploaded the picture of the data here:


I have three gel types for which I did viscosity testing in the lab. I was told by my instructor to make a bar graph containing the each gel's molecular weight on the X axis, Gelation Temperature on the left Y-axis, and the maximum viscosity of each gel on the second right-hand side Y axis. (I've drawn an example of how it should look here:


Note that the data on the axis is randomly made up and does not reflect my data).

I've never had to make a 3-axis graph in my life, so after having tried for the past 2 hours, I'm simply stuck.

I would really appreciate your help on how I can proceed on this dilemma. Also, if making such a graph is impossible in bar format, I would love to hear the next best chart type for making this particular graph. Sorry I'm making you click on links, I forgot my previous login information, and I need 10+ rep points to post images). Thanks!


1 Answers


A bar graph isn't really meant to assign a numerical value to the bars themselves, as they are categorical data which has no numerical value.

The primary/secondary y-axis part of your question can be handled in excel. If you remove the molecular weight column, then select your Gel, Temp, and Viscosity columns, then do insert->2D Column.

Then, right click a column and choose "Format Data Series" then for the "Plot Series On" option choose "Secondary axis". This will accomplish everything except spacing the bars apart by weight; for a bar graph it wants to space the bars evenly.

Sorry this does not completely answer your question.