The same question has been answered on askubuntu:
Eclipse menus are cut off or don't show
I might have found a possible solution for your problem. I have experienced the same issue as you have described, Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit Unity, Eclipse 4.3.0, menus were not visible.
So I realise that it might be helpful if I clarify myself, the desktop shortcut file for Eclipse would contain something like this:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=IDE for all seasons
Exec=env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 /home/USERNAME/Dokument/eclipse/eclipse
The row Exec=env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 /home/USERNAME/Dokument/eclipse/eclipse
, part referenced in the post I pointed to, is the one that makes menus visible, et voila! :)
In my case this file (eclipse.desktop
) resides in /usr/share/applications/
Hope this helps.
and before the path to eclipse... So you are unsetting the Env variable just for this command. Initially I interpreted this as setting UBUNTU_MENUPROXY to the path... which didn't work. – Theodros Zelleke