Okay I'm trying to add comments and reactions count just like what you would normally see on some wordpress blogs like http://johntwang.com/blog/ where on the left top of each post there is ** comment and * reactions*
(source: windows7hacker.com)
My problem is I can't find the disqus's documentation, where hopefully there is some method I can call to return me the number of reactions and comments. Also if I use the wordpress default method
<?php comments_popup_link ('zero','one','more','CSSclass','none');?>
it only displays "Comments" not even the comment's number count on the main page.
How can I add reaction and comment count with disqus plugin ?
well my site is http://www.windows7hacker.com/ I don't know how I suppose to add comments count at first place. But right now if I use the wordpress method, it will return me only comments, which is exactlly one of the problem they have described in their help page
(source: windows7hacker.com)
I've tired to check the comment count option still doesn't work :(