I am creating an Android app in Delphi XE5 using Firemonkey, and for one of my forms I need a TImage that will fill the entire form where I can draw on it's Bitmap.
What I did was this:
I added a TImage component to my form and set it's Align := alClient. In the designer it fills the entire form.
In my FormCreate procedure I initialized the Bitmap of the TImage by setting it's size to the size of the TImage
procedure TDrawForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Image1.Bitmap.SetSize(Trunc(Image1.Width), Trunc(Image1.Height)); DrawFromList(Image1); end;
Then I draw on the TImage's Bitmap.Canvas
procedure TDrawForm.DrawFromList(image: TImage); var draw: TDraw; begin image.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene; image.Bitmap.Canvas.Clear(claBlue); image.Bitmap.Canvas.Stroke.Color := claBlack; image.Bitmap.Canvas.Fill.Color := claYellow; for draw in DrawList do begin image.Bitmap.Canvas.FillPath(draw.fpath, 1); image.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawPath(draw.fpath, 1); end; image.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene; end;
This code draws just fine on my Nexus 7 tablet, but it does not fill the entire screen:
In the second picture I used
Image1.Bitmap.SetSize(Trunc(Image1.Width * 1.34), Trunc(Image1.Height * 1.34));
where 1.34 was found by trial and error, to make it fill the entire screen.
I then tried to print out the size of the image and the screen. For my Nexus 7 (which is 1280 x 800 pixels) the TImage component which fills the entire screen, has a width of 601 and a height of 880. Thus, when I set the size of the Bitmap to be the size of my TImage, the Bitmap is also 601 x 880, which explains why I needed to scale the Bitmap to make it fill the entire screen. The screen size is reported as 600 x 905 (using Screen.Size).
My question is why is the size of the TImage component only 601 x 880 (and the screen only 600 x 905) when the actual resolution of my device is 800 x 1280? If these sizes are not pixels, then what are they? And more importantly, how do I convert from these numbers to actual screen pixels (bear in mind, 1.34 only works for Nexus 7 - on my HTC Sensation it needed to be even bigger)?
One of my co-workers suggested that it might have to do with the DPI of the screen, but I couldn't find any method that will give me the DPI of the current device.
I have also tried updating the size of the bitmap in the FormResize procedure, but that doesn't make a difference.
to auto scale the image. – Marcus Adams