
I'm getting this unknown error when trying to deploy a .wlapp to a Worklight Server, both from Console and through Ant scripts.

My database is DB2.

Failed to deploy application 'EBCMobileApp-mobilewebapp-1.2.wlapp'. The value of a host variable in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement is out of range for its corresponding use. SQLCODE=-302, SQLSTATE=22001, DRIVER=3.62.56

The same error is also returned when trying to deploy the ipad environment's .wlapp of the same app.
The corresponding EBCMobileApp-common.wlapp, however, deploys successfully.


1 Answers


Searching for the error in Google, I've found the following:

Does this also happen to you in Eclipse, when using the Worklight Studio plug-in to deploy (run as > build all and deploy) the app to the local Worklight Development Server?

If it works in the development environment but fails in your other environment, I suggest then to look at how you have configured DB2 in that environment, based on the first two links above.