I'm a bit of newbie on MPI programming ( mpich2 fedora ). I'm writing be cause, i got Dead lock when use MPI_Barrier with another comunicator different to MPI_COMM_WORLD.
I make 2 communicators like this:
MPI_Comm_split (MPI_COMM_WORLD, color, rank, &split_comm);
If i put a MPI_Barrier where all colors can pass, it'll be all right.
But if i put a MPI_Barrier where only color == 1 can pass, i got Dead lock.
How to use MPI_Barrier with another communicator ? I was also using MPI_Bcast () (with another different communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD) but it wasn't blocked when nobody call MPI_Bcast too. Can one different communicator to MPI_COMM_WORLD synchronise your own processes?