
I'm trying to use the 960 grid system in my compass project.

So I installed the gem with:

gem install compass-960-plugin

Then in my compass project I add the folowing rule to my "config.rb" file:

# Require any additional compass plugins here.
require 'ninesixty'

But when I try to import in my screen.scss with:

@import 960/grid

It's not working. The error I get is as follows:

Compass was unable to compile one or more files in the project:

Compass was unable to compile one or more files in the project:

LoadError on line 161 of /Applications/CodeKit.app/Contents/Resources/engines/compass/bin/../lib/compass/configuration/data.rb: no such file to load -- ninesixty Run with --trace to see the full backtrace

Does it work if you run Compass via command line? stackoverflow.com/questions/19333888/…cimmanon

1 Answers


It looks like the gem isn't in your LOAD_PATH. Did you require 'rubygems' before requiring the 960 gem? Are you using something like Bundler?