I already saw post at Delphi XE4 Indy compatibility issue between TBytes and TidBytes about compatibility issues between the data types tbytes and tidbytes. From the second answer I learned, that it looks like they can't be used together even though they're both array of byte. However, the latest answer says, that in indy 10.5.9 it was dependent of the presence of TBytes, and that only in Indy 10.6 was it completely submitted as array of byte. Anyway,I have a .pas unit which decodes several packets from IdUDPServerUDPRead event, but can't get them together. I always get the error: [dcc32 Error] Unit1.pas(216): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'Unpack' that can be called with these arguments
but the Unpack is declared correctly:
class function Unpack(Bytes: TBytes; Count: Integer): TOSCPacket; overload;
class function Unpack(Bytes: TBytes; Offset, Count: Integer; TimeTag: Extended
= 0): TOSCPacket; overload; virtual;
And as far as I'm aware, so is my usage of it:
OSCPacket.Unpack(AData, Length(Adata));
where AData is array of byte.
What am I doing wrong here, that I don't see? I've been googling for hours now, and can't find a way to merge, convert, copy, move or whatever, the data from AData to the actual usable variable for putting it in the parameter list for Unpack function.
Any help would be more than appreciated.