
I have a Java web service module and ejb modulein netbeans (All part of an enterprise application). the web service is consuming the ejb class using @EJB injection. Inside the ejb module i have a TransactionManager class which is not an enterprise bean. just a POJO class. I am trying to inject the EntityManager using

    @PersistanceContext(unitName = "testPU")
    EntityManager em;

but the em is allways null. I am calling the TransactionManager class from by bean, and if i declare the EntityManager declaration in bean class, it injects just fine in the bean class. but in POJO it is always null.

I am new to EJB (using version JEE7) . can u please guide me ?

Reply to Shailendra : my bean and pojo are in the same jar file, and it has the bean.xml and persistence.xml. I tried to make the TransactionManager class as bean, using @Stateless and @Local, but there are some pojo classes in between the ejb class and the TransactionManager class, and when i tried to access the TransactionManager class from its parent pojo class using @EJB TransactionManager transactionManager; this object too returned null.

Dear Shilendra, thanks for the reply Below is my EJB class

    public class MyService extends MyBase implements IMyService
        MyComponent component = null;
        public void doSomething(X x)
             component = new MyComponent();

I have a POJO class as MyComponent

    public class MyComponent extends MyBase implements IMyComponent
        TransactionManager tManager = null;
        public void doSomething(X x)
            tManager = new TransactionManager();

And The TransactionManager class is the class that i want Dependency Injection done for PersistenceContext

    public class TransactionManager extends MyBase implements ITransactionManager
          EntityManager em;
          public void doSomething(X x)

3 Answers


POJO isn't managed by the container. Whereas the bean is managed by the container & is responsible for injecting resources.

You can try JNDI lookup to lookup resources for non-managed custom classes for which container isn't responsible.


The reason is be that your POJO is not managed by the container. If your container supports CDI (Context dependency injection) then declare your bean in a bean archive (have beans.xml in META-INF or WEB-INF) in order to be managed.


You should use the @Inject Annotation instead of creating the instances with the new-operator.

  1. create the \WEB-INF\beans.xml (there is a wizard for it in Netbeans) and set bean-discovery-mode="all"

  2. This is the code for your "MyService": yours or mine? :-)

     public class MyService extends MyBase implements IMyService {
         private MyComponent component;
         public void doSomething(X x)
              component = new MyComponent();
  3. And this is your "MyComponent" :-)

    public class MyComponent extends MyBase implements IMyComponent
        private TransactionManager tManager;
        public void doSomething(X x)
            tManager = new TransactionManager();