The code I have is:
alpha = [0:1:90];
alpha represents my y-axis and is an angle between 0 and 90 degrees. phi represents my x-axis and is an angle between say -120 to +120. The overall result should look something like a half sine-wave.
Whenever I try to input that last line I get the error stating inner matrix dimensions must agree. So I tried to use reshape on my matrices for those variables I defined so that they work. But then I get '??? ??? Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.'
It seems very tedious to have to reshape my matrix every time I define a new set of variables in order to use them with an equation. Those variables are used for defining my axis range, is there a better way I can lay them out or an automatic command that will make sure they work every time?
I want to plot alpha and phi as a graph using something like
but can't get past those errors? can't I just use a command that says something like define x-axis [0:90], define y-axis [-120:120] or something? I have spent far too much time on this problem and can't find a solution. I just want to plot the graph. Somebody please help! thanks.
sind(alpha) = *stuff*
andcosd(phi) = *stuff*
. The terms on the left of the=
sign are not something that you can assign a value to. Also, you are trying to do element-wise multiplaction of things that are many different sizes, which is not allowed. Perhaps it would help if you posted some math or pseudocode to explain what you are trying to accomplish. – nispio