
I am viewing SSRS report through asp.net reportviewer, I have 4 multi-value parameters in it, from them, two contains more than 600 values each.

Report loads correctly, but when i click on View Report Button, it gives "sys.webforms.pagerequestmanagerservererrorexception" error.

I have used below settings and restarted Reporting services also but its not working.

   <add key="aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys" value="10000" />
   <add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="10000" />

and if i restrict query with top 50 in that both parameter, report works fine.

please help.


3 Answers


If the report viewer relies on query strings for rendering, this could be an issue with the size of your query string: for example, in IE, such limit is 2048 characters.

Nevertheless, I think you probably shouldn't be passing 600 arguments around; one viable option would be creating a temporary table, filling it with your values and changing the report for reading from it, instead of receiving multiple parameters.


As a workaround, perhaps try splitting those parameters to reduce the number of values in a single dropdown. For instance, Cities A-H, Cities I-P, Cities R-Z.


It is solved now. let me share it so it can help someone else also.

I have added appsetting mentioned in Question in Report Server web.config only, now i have added it in web.config of ASP.NET web site where Report viewer is used and it is working fine now.

Thanks to all for your reply.