I am developing a project in Java, and I am using the AWS SDK. I am using Dynamo DB. I am using the mapper, and it is very useful for me because I can perform basic operation directly on a java entity.
Recently, I have seen the library that allows to add transactionality to Dyanamo DB: https://github.com/awslabs/dynamodb-transactions
Such library works really fine, but it does not allow me to use the mapper. It only works with GetRequest, PutRequest, ...
I have no problem when getting results, because I can use the method "marshallIntoObject(Class, Map)" for obtaining the java entity from the results of a query.
How can I perform the same operation for saving/updating an item? I would really like to have a method that takes in input a java entity and converts it to a Map. I would use the returned map for performing query through the transaction engine. Is it available somewhere?
Moreover, are there any plans to make the project "dynamodb-transactions" able to support the mapper?