We are getting this error when invoking methods on a web service call. According to the following post, Error: Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1) ... When Invoking Methods on a Web Service, we just need to give NETWORKSERVICE access to the C:\Windows\TEMP directory. The problem is we are running this app on Windows Azure and I'm not sure how to go about giving the NETWORKSERVICE role access to the directory every time a server cycles or is deployed.
Any ideas on how to make sure NETWORKSERVICE always has access to that directory on Azure?
EDIT: We tried logging into each server remotely and giving the IIS_IUSRS group Full Access permission to the Windows Temp directly and restarted IIS but are still seeing the issue. On Azure, the windows temp directory is actually stored on the D drive so since the exception states it was trying to access C:\Windows\Temp, we did create that directory manually and gave the same group Full Access permission but still it didn't work.