
i have multiple tables in a database:


ID    studentid    courseid    companyid    addresseeid    dateadded    datestarted    dateended    ojthours

1         3            1           1             1         9/25/2013                                  500 


ID    lastname    firstname    middlename    course    gender    renderedhours    dateadded    archive

3     Dela Cruz      Juan        Santos       BSIT      Male          500


ID    coursealias    coursename                                            hours
1         BSIT      Bachelor of Science in Information Technology          500


ID    companyname

1      MyCompany


ID    addresseename

1     John dela Cruz

i need to have a SQL statement in which i can get this values:

tableOjt.id  tableOJT.surname,firstname, and middlename  course  companyname  addresseename dateadded datestarted dateended ojthours

how will i get this code in SQL using those join methods...im writing it in VB6 ADODC, is this the same syntax in a standard SQL ? thanks


3 Answers


If you are writing a query against an Access database backend, you need to use the following join syntax:

, t2.c2
, t3.c3
, t4.c4
from ((t1
inner join t2 on t1.something = t2.something)
inner join t3 on t2.something = t3.something)
inner join t4 on t3.something = t4.something

The table and column names aren't important here, but the placement of the parentheses is. Basically, you need to have n - 2 left parentheses after the from clause and one right parenthesis before the start of each new join clause except for the first, where n is the number of tables being joined together.

The reason is that Access's join syntax supports joining only two tables at a time, so if you need to join more than two you need to enclose the extra ones in parentheses.

SELECT tblOjt.id, tblStudent.firstname, tblStudent.middlename, 
       tblStudent.lastname, tblStudent.course, tblCompany.companyname, 
FROM (((tblOjt 
     INNER JOIN tblStudent ON tblOjt.studentid = tblStudent.id) 
     INNER JOIN tblCourse ON tblOjt.courseid = tblCourse.id) 
     INNER JOIN tblCompany ON tblOjt.companyid = tblCompany.id) 
     INNER JOIN tblAddressee ON tblOjt.addresseeid = tbladdressee.id

found it!thanks to Yawar's approach...


been trying to run this SQL using VBA but won't run using DoCmd.RunQuery. I've tried the SQL and it's working though.

str = "SELECT tbl_company.[Company], tbl_company.[Commodity], tbl_company.[Segment], tbl_company.[MainProduct]," & _
      " tbl_financials.[DataYear]," & _
      " mstr_financial.[FinancialData]," & _
      " tbl_financials.[Amount]," & _
      " tbl_financials.[Unit]," & _
      " tbl_company.[CompanyID]" & _
      " FROM (tbl_company" & _
      " INNER JOIN tbl_financials ON tbl_company.[CompanyID] = tbl_financials.[CompanyID])" & _
      " INNER JOIN mstr_financial ON tbl_financials.[FinID] = mstr_financial.[FinID] " & _
      " ORDER BY tbl_company.[Company], tbl_financials.[DataYear] DESC"